Job Opportunity

Warboys Parish Council – About the Council
Warboys Parish Council is a statutory and corporate body created by the Local Government Act 1894. Although the lowest tier of local government, closest to the people, it is entirely independent from the other tiers of local government in Cambridgeshire, i.e. the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, Cambridgeshire County Council and Huntingdonshire District Council. According to the 2021 census the village records a resident population of 7,641.
The Council comprises 15 councillors elected on a four yearly cycle of elections, with the chairman and vice chairman elected annually at the Annual Meeting of the Council. The Council meets monthly on the second Monday of the month at 7.00 p.m., followed by a meeting of the Planning Committee. There are a number of other committees that meet usually twice each year on Monday evenings at 7.00 or 7.30 p.m. and ad hoc working parties.
Most of the Council’s income derives from the levying of a precept as part of the overall Council Tax. The rate set for 2024/25 is £188,040 which equates to a council tax level of £116.94 for a Band D property. Most of the remainder of the Council’s income derives from the hire of the Parish Centre and allotment rents.
The Council has various powers and duties established by legislation over the years which enables it to provide a wide range of services within the community.
Currently it is an exciting time for the Council as it is building a new Parish Centre / village hall a modern multi-functional building more suited to the size and needs of the village. The funding for the new building has been derived from Community Infrastructure Levy receipts and a Public Works Loan secured from Central Government.
The new build activity brings additional work loads, and therefore the requirement for an Assistant Clerk. All administrative staff work from home, as will the successful candidate for this position. However, an office is being provided in the replacement Parish Centre and employees will be primarily based in that office on completion.
More information about the Council can be found on its website at
It is a very exciting time for the Council, not many that serve their local community get to experience building a new central hub for their residents. Should you wish for an informal chat please contact Julie or Emmeline on the numbers below:
Emmeline:- 07985 771834
Julie:- 07828 151134
To apply: Please request further job role details by emailing Applications will be made by CV with a covering letter explaining why you are the right person for this role, and how your skill set and experience will bring this role to life!
Download the application information here;
Assistant Parish Clerk Job Advert