Huntingdon District Council Green Bin Subscription Update

The Council would like to politely remind residents that the Huntingdon District Council’s (HDC) new Green Bin Subscription service comes into effect on 1st April. If you haven’t yet signed up for the service and you would like to you can visit their website; Huntingdon District Council Garden Waste Subscription Service.
From 1st April only green bins with the subscription sticker on will be collected on the allocated collection dates. There will be no change to the current collection day, however food waste will no longer be accepted for green bins and should instead go in grey bins.
For residents opting out of the green waste bin service, HDC offers the following options;
- Huntingdon District Council have implemented a Saturday freight service for residents to take their green waste to be collected. You can find a copy of the schedule on the Warboys Parish Council website Green Waste Collection Schedule – Warboys Parish News and the Huntingdon District Council website.
Anyone within the District can go to dispose of green waste at these scheduled collections, however there are currently none specifically allocated to Warboys.
- Warboys Parish Council is in the process of applying for some community bins to have located in the village for all residents to use. Once the Council has found suitable locations for them we will advise members of the parish accordingly.
For details on how to dispose of your green bin if you are not using the service you can visit the Huntingdon District Council website and complete their online form; Huntingdon District Council Green Bin Collection Information.
We have been advised by Huntingdon District Council that due to this initiative being early in implementation all of the scheduled services will be reviewed depending on usage and feedback from the community.
Contact Information
Email –
Facebook – @WarboysParishCouncil
Telephone – 07985 771834 / 07985 771676